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informed birth in mom's hands.

The Birth of
The Mommy Method
4 in 10 women report having a truamatic childbirth.
That would've been me.
Like many other expecting moms, I was terrified of the thought of experiencing "the most painful day" of my life. Considering myself a whimp when it came to pain tolerance, I didn't doubt that I would simply get an epidural and take the "easy way out," even though the thought of a needle in my back made me cringe in horror.
But then a little voice inside of me whispered,
"Hmmm...I wonder..."
That voice led me to research alternatives to the standard medicated birth, just out of pure curiosity. NO WAY I could handle it. I soon found myself enveloped by information and experiences of women online that completely countered everything I had ever heard in regards to birth as a terrifying, excruciating, traumatic experience.
I was witnessing something incredible and totally unfamiliar to me: hundreds of women who were calm, confident, and coping during labor and birth--not screaming and wailing as is so often Hollywood's portrayal.
In fact, many of these births were unmedicated, and their composure was astounding. I knew I had struck gold. I wanted the birth of my first baby to be just like that!
I found a local natural birth class and jumped on the opportunity, dragging my husband along with me. I thought that was all I had to do. I felt totally prepared--and yes--even excited to give birth.
Fast forward until days before my daughter was born: I had a scare for several hours where a C-section seemed imminent. The scare passed, and I ended up having a beautiful natural birth, BUT the feeling that I hadn't been prepared for a C-section or any other medicated intervention never left me--despite having taken a wonderful childbirth class. Postpartum was another story--I certainly wasn't prepared for that, either.
It wasn't until after the birth of my second child that I came to the obvious realization that I had to do something about this. Moms needed to be much more educated about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum--including their rights during birth, the options they often don't realize they have, and risks that they take.
Most importantly, I knew moms needed to be emotionally prepared to accept any outcome in birth with confidence--because sometimes things aren't all peaches and roses.
I knew that birth needed to go back in to the hands of the mom; she needed to have the evidence-based education, support, and relaxation necessary to arrive at the decisions that are just right for her and her family, whether that means a natural water birth or a planned cesarean.
And so, The Mommy Method was born.
Our team of experts are helping women everywhere have positive birth and postpartum experiences through our conferences and events, one-on-one coaching, and most recently, our fun and informative blog.
We hope you stay awhile and share this with the women in your life who need this.
Happy birthing,
Kira and Company

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