informed birth in mom's hands.

Our Philosophy
Every birth, every baby, every mother is unique.
There is no one “right way” to birth. We believe that birth choices belong in the hands of the mother; she shouldn’t be compelled to conform to particular trends, procedures, philosophies or methodologies of others. Women should be supported in the educated decisions they make as they bring their baby into the world and parent their newborn.
We believe that childbirth--whether home or hospital, vaginal or cesarean, medicated or unmedicated--can and should be a special, beautiful, and internally peaceful experience for moms who choose to adequately prepare.
Our Mission
There are three main compelling issues in our American culture concerning birth that we feel necessary to address:
Maternal and infant mortality rates in the United States are worse than about 37 other countries, despite the fact that we spend more money on healthcare than any other country.* This is in part due to the conventional hospital system, which has overridden birth as a medical event, rather than a normal physiological process with only an occasional warrant for appropriate intervention. Women are often unknowingly given unnecessary and harmful interventions that put themselves and their babies at risk. Expectant mothers are not being properly educated concerning their options, rights and roles during birth, and their voices are being muffled and superseded by providers whose practices are largely non-evidence based, and often not in the best interest of the mother and baby.
Many women are not receiving adequate physical and emotional support during labor and birth. In our culture, many women also find themselves under-supported and underprepared for the often difficult and emotionally strenuous postpartum period.
The media has had a drastic negative impact on childbirth, increasing anxiety and decreasing perceived agency in the birth process. Consequently, a large majority of women in America are afraid of birth. Many feel guilty and fearful when their birth takes an undesired turn, which can result in emotional scarring and trauma.
The Mommy Method seeks to resolve these issues by providing expecting couples with the evidence-based education, support, and relaxation they need so that they can approach pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and ultimately parenthood with confidence. Mothers who utilize the resources provided by The Mommy Method will be prepared physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to break through misunderstandings, negative experiences, and perceptions of the past for a truly positive birth and postpartum experience under any circumstance.