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informed birth in mom's hands.

Does childbirth seem scary, daunting, and unsettling to you? Are you suffering from past birth or postpartum trauma? Do you cringe at the thought of an epidural needle? Would you feel anxious if you were rushed to the operating room for an emergency C-section?
Even if you are feeling confident about giving birth, learning tools to cope with stress, control your thoughts, and find emotional stability is invaluable--not just for birth, but for any difficult situation in life.
By regularly entering a focused state of attention & deep relaxation, you can reprogram your mind to think positively about birth so that you are in control of your thoughts and emotions, regardless of any stressful situation you may be placed in.
One of our incredible relaxation specialists has designed a 30 minute experience in theraputic relaxation just for you! It's not birth-specific, so you listen to it for years to come. Dads love it, too!
Subscribe below and we'll send you the password to access this complimentary deep relaxation track that you can listen to over and over. (value $25)
Subscribe below
for access to our
deep relaxation
audio experience!
($25 value!)
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