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The Sacred Gift of Childbirth

Kira Ritchie

Have you ever had a message that just BURNS inside your soul, and you wish that you could share it with the whole world? Have you ever wished that everyone could know what you know about a particular topic because of how drastically it would change things and raise the awareness of the whole planet?

I like to think I'm not the only passionate one out there! ;)

Some of those "I'm-going-to-explode-if-I-can't-raise-awareness" topics for me include holistic health and nutrition, politics (ugg... don't get me started) religion, and of course, childbirth.

(Side note--just because I'm passionate about those things doesn't mean I enjoy shoving my beliefs down other people's throats. I just love to share the abundance of knowledge I've been given and allow others to be enlightened and make more informed decisions based on the information I present. Back to the point...)

So naturally, when one of our amazing Mommy Method blog authors, Marie Bigelow, asked me to read and review her newly released book combining the science and spirituality of childbirth, I couldn't resist!

In short, if you're pregnant (or even think you maybe possibly could be pregnant), you must. Read. This. Book.

I will state upfront that the book is geared specifically to couples who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS); however, regardless of religious affiliation, anyone who believes in God will benefit from this perspective of the role of God in the creation and birthing process.

Marie describes how God intricately and perfectly designed childbirth and motherhood, and how a culture that's so eager to step in and interfere with that sacred space quickly has the potential to take God and the beauty out of the experience--if we let it. But we don't have to! She shows you how to make informed decisions during the birth process, and how to include God in those decision-making moments. The process she teaches is crucial and leaves couples feeling prepared and empowered to embrace whatever turn their birth takes.

It feels as if Marie is holding your hand step-by-step as she guides you through understanding hospital interventions and procedures in a factual, non-demeaning way. The scientific information is presented in a way that is easy to digest: she shares enough to be informative without leaving mom and dad feeling overwhelmed.

Helpful resources, worksheets, and questions are included throughout to encourage reflection and decision making. There is even a helpful quiz to help you determine what type of provider and birth setting you would be most comfortable with (why haven't I seen something like this until now?).

The book also touches on breastfeeding and preventing postpartum depression, which is always a plus. I also love that there is a section included just for dads to help them know how to best support mom. Let's be honest... as much as we love the men in our lives, sometimes they need a little direction ;)

My overall verdict?

Let's just say I already have a list of pregnant friends, family, and clients that will absolutely, unquestionably, be getting this book in preparation for their next baby! It's my new go-to mom gift, even for second and third time mamas.

It's not too short, not too long, and has a great balance of the spiritual and practical facets of birth.

Be sure to check it out on Amazon--and if you love, love, LOVE it like me, please order more for your friends and spread this empowering message to moms everywhere??


(P.S. I'm not being paid to write this post--all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. The included links are affiliate links that helps pay to operate the site at no additional cost to you--plus you'll be directly supporting Marie Bigelow, the author of this book and a contributor on The Mommy Method blog. Thanks for your support!)


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