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The Thing About Pain... (Part 2) Plus $99 Bonus!

Kira Ritchie

[Disclaimer: Read Part 1 first!]

Reminder: no guilt here. Just information and perspective.

"Okay," you say... "so even if birth isn't THAT painful...why would anyone willingly subject themselves to feeling everything when you can be totally numb and actually ENJOY your birth?"

Many women opt to birth without medication for the health benefits of it. All medicated pain relief carries certain risks with it. I once heard an experienced nurse declare that epidurals don't carry any risks--and I was bursting to disagree. They do, and those risks should be considered and not be taken lightly, as their effects can be lasting and lead to other interventions that may be harmful to you and your baby.

But that's a long story, and for me it's about far more than avoiding those risks. From a personal and even a spiritual perspective, an increase in sacrifice yields a greater increase in joy. Not only that, but the feeling of going through something really hard that you've never done before, at times not being sure if you can get through it, and then literally pushing through and finding an overwhelming burst of relief...

It's indescribable.

Birthing my children have been two of the most empowering experiences of my life, confirming to me that I can do anything I set my mind to.

So can you, by the way.

And as far as enjoying the process of giving birth, I can honestly say that I do. There is a unique psychological process that happens with mothers who choose to birth without pain medication. When your own natural oxytocin (the love hormone that stimulates labor and causes contractions) is allowed to be fully present during a natural birth, endorphins are released in very large quantities. The amazing thing about endorphins? They are your body's natural pain killers. How cool is that? This means that anything you can do to spike those endorphin/oxytocin lovin' senses bring a heightened sense of joy, relief and satisfaction during birth. (Think kissing, getting a massage, smelling or tasting something delightful, etc.)

Additionally, mothers who birth naturally experience a "birth high" similar to a "runners' high" immediately following the birth as another surge of endorphins surfaces, allowing the mother an incredibly powerful "on-top-of-the-world" feeling in addition to a heightened bonding experience with her child.

One of our contributors Marie goes into detail on those powerful ideas, in addition to exploring a much more spiritual approach to natural birth in her hot-off-the-press book, The Sacred Gift of Childbirth. You should read it sometime!

So when I and other "crazy crunchy moms" say that we enjoy birthing without medication, maybe that adds a new perspective. We enjoy it because although the process may be long and hard, and yes, even painful to varying degrees, endorphins and our bodies are working in our favor. We additionally experience the rich reward of knowing that women collectively and individually are incredibly powerful. We are truly capable of more than we realize; generations upon generations of birthing women serve as a large reminder of that. No matter how we choose to bring children into the world, we are powerful. You are powerful.

Again, we're talking mind over matter. But how do you get in control of your mind? How do you overwrite the negative, fearful birth programming that has likely been instilled in you from infancy?

One of the most powerful and effective ways to "reprogram" your mind is to have a coach help you break through your limiting beliefs about birth and what you are capable of. It doesn't happen overnight, so the sooner you can start working on it the better, even if that means before you're pregnant.

***Ready for your BONUS??***

The Mommy Method is excited to offer a new 4 month program where 2 of our incredible (seriously incredible) coaches will give you powerful one-on-one sessions to help you break through your fears, inadequacies, and doubts surrounding childbirth and postpartum. Whether you are dreading the pain of birth, trying to recover from a traumatic experience, feeling a lack of support, or experiencing any aspect of uncertainty, we can help free you from those emotions.

The great part is that it's all done over the phone from the comfort of your own home. If this is resonating and calling to you, for the next two weeks we invite you to experience a 60 minute breakthrough session with us for free (normally $99!). We'll walk you through your first steps to overcoming your struggles, and help you determine if our program is right for you. If it's not, that's just fine, but we promise you will leave feeling lighter and more confident for your upcoming birth and postpartum either way. And who couldn't use a little extra confidence and empowerment? Contact us to schedule your appointment ASAP so we can be sure to find time for you!

Remember, you can still have a beautiful birthing experience with an epidural, a cesarean, or whatever it may be. The important thing is that you are educated about your options and risks, and that you are surrounded by a beautiful support team who is on board with the decisions you have made.

Blessings to you and your upcoming bundle, wherever you may be on your journey!

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