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"Natural" Birth Wars (and Other Mama-Judging Nonsense)

Kira Ritchie

If you haven't seen this hilarious video clip yet... WATCH IT. If you're anything like me, you will laugh and cry through the whole thing!

It just perfectly sums up this nonsensical mom-to-mom judging.

When I tell women that I'm a childbirth educator, I find that people can get defensive really quickly when they assume that I'm all about unadultarated, natural childbirth, and that's the only way to go.

Did I birth both my children naturally? Yes. Did I love, love, love it? Yes.


Do I shame you for getting an epidural, or for planning a C-section?

Absolutely not!

Am I stronger than you, more capable than you, more of a WOMAN than you, because I birthed naturally, or because I breastfed my babies?

Um, no.

Let me repeat: NO.

Don't listen to those lies: every mom, every baby, and every birth is unique.

And since that's the case, can't we conclude that there's not just one right way to give birth?

If you want to schedule a C-section, go for it! I will be here to back you up!

I'm serious!

Here's the thing that I push for, and it's not natural birth. It's EDUCATION.

I've found that most women are very underprepared and undereducated when it comes to childbirth and postpartum. When women give birth without proper education and emotional preparation, they run the risk of having adverse outcomes for themselves and baby--not only physically but also emotionally. You'll learn about some of those adverse outcomes if you stick around, and you can learn how to prevent them!

That's why The Mommy Method came to be--it belongs totally to the mom! We believe that mom should have a say in her birthing decisions, and to be able to feel confident in making those decisions without feeling embarassed or ashamed--even she chooses an epidural!

But it doesn't stop there, of course. Many women feel guilty and judged when they aren't able, or simply choose not to breastfeed, when they choose to co-sleep...the list goes on.

I think they're missing the point...

You kind of, should I put this?

You just had a baby.

You gave life to a miracle! Your body is a miracle!

+ PLUS +

You are the parent to this child, not your mother-in-law, not your nosy!

That's why I love this video so much.

Let's focus on what unites us as women: our ability to bring precious new life into this world. As long as you love your child and you're trying your best to be an informed (not perfect, just informed) parent, the rest doesn't really matter.

So. Learn all that you can, and then make the decisions that are best for YOU. The Mommy Method way.


I'm curious ladies...Is mama-judging happening in your neighborhood? How can we stop it?

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