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Doulas: the Fairy Godmothers of Childbirth

Marie Bigelow

Doo-la: noun. a professional labor coach Just as the fairy godmother was crucial to Cinderella’s happily ever after, having a doula beside you as you labor and give birth is crucial to ensure a positive birth outcome for you and your baby. You’ve probably heard the word ‘doula’ before, but do you really know what their magic can do for you?

What's so magical about a doula?

Every woman wants a birth that progresses safely and timely, and also doesn’t hurt too much! Hiring a doula has made this dream a reality for many women. As non-medical supporters of the birthing experience, doulas are becoming more and more mainstream every day as women all over the globe are seeing the invaluable benefits a doula can bring. Doulas provide physical, emotional and informational support to expecting mamas. During pregnancy, doulas provide education and resources to help moms come up with their birthing preferences and make informed and educated decisions. They can also help parents prepare emotionally for birth, and help them enter their births feeling confident and prepared.

During labor, a doula’s magic wand is often her hands providing physical support through comfort measures like massage and counter-pressure. She may also offer advice on movement and position changes to encourage a quicker descent for the baby. A doula will even meet you in your own home to provide support there, and help you determine a good time to head to the hospital or birthing center. Doulas also encourage and emotionally support laboring moms, and give dads tips on how to comfort their partners. And unlike care providers, doulas don’t have days off, so you can fully count on your doula being available for you.

Doulas have a deep understanding of the process of labor, and can offer suggestions to help labor progress safely and comfortably. Their knowledge and experience improves not only medical outcomes, but moms that use doulas report having better birthing experiences all together. Studies show that doula support greatly decreases birth interventions like cesareans, forceps, Pitocin and pain medication, and increases birth satisfaction as well as breastfeeding success. (1) Studies show that doula support provides a:

31% decrease in the use of Pitocin 28% decrease in the risk of C-section 34% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience 14% decrease in the risk of newborns being admitted to NICU 12% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth 9% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief

Where do these magical people come from?

Doula work began when two medical doctors provided all of their patients with a supportive woman while they labored. This woman was not a nurse, but was there to offer support and encouragement. It was a magic potion of success as they quickly saw that their patients had shorter labors and better experiences just by adding this supportive presence to the birthing experience.(2) Doula work has come a long way since then as doulas are now highly trained and skilled in the art of supporting a woman through birth. Doulas train and certify through professional agencies like DONA International, Prodoula, and Birth Arts International.

But aren't they just for natural births?

No way! Doulas know how to support all types of births, and know many ways to keep labor progressing when mom has an epidural. During labors with epidurals, doulas can answer questions, provide emotional encouragement, assist the mom is changing positions to encourage progress, promote relaxation, and even run to the cafeteria to grab dad a snack! Having a doula at your birth is like having a best friend there to support you and cheer you on the entire way. She will pamper you with a foot massage, and empower you to make the decisions that are right for you and your birth. Doulas understand that great births come in all forms, and are unbiased supporters.

Where do I find a doula?

A great resource to find a doula in your area is There you can quickly see all the doulas available in your area and see which one is right for YOU! You may be wearing a hospital gown instead of a ball gown, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a fairy godmother working for you! 1. Continuous support for women during childbirth 2. The Essential Ingredient: Doula. DONA International Video

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